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Anacode IDE

Using external JAR libraries in Java and Android applications in Anacode IDE
Example of how to build a Java or Android application that uses an external JAR library
12.10.2016 | Read: 3294x
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Compiling and running C/C++ using Anacode IDE
Discussing the spicifics of running C/C++ code on a mobile device using Anacode IDE
30.9.2016 | Read: 2242x
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Building Android applications using Anacode IDE
In detail description of Android application build specifics using the Anacode IDE as well as APK signing and export neccessary for the upload to Google Play Store.
15.9.2016 | Read: 4845x
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Building standalone Java applications
Discussing the specifics of building and running a standalone Java project using Anacode IDE, as well as the ways to modify existing Java projects created by third party IDE's to allow their successful build using Anacode IDE.
11.9.2016 | Read: 4272x
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